
"Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain."
~Psalm 127:1

October 2, 2015

Day 2: Declutter

Ok.  So before I start being simply creative with what I already have, I feel like I need to declutter first.  I have a lot of stuff that has sat around my house without use for too long!

I did this to my fridge the other day and it felt so good!  For the entirety of our marriage so far, I felt it was important to have photos and cool magnets and cards that we received plastered all over my fridge.  My niece was here the other day and she started pulling some of the photos and coupons off, and I realized they were so unnecessary!  I wish I had taken a before photo, it was pretty bad.

Underneath all the clutter was a dirty, grimy space crying out to be cleaned.  And it was.  And it was amazing!  It was white once more!  And the most refreshing thing I've ever seen (not really, I'm just being dramatic)!

(Time out, I just remembered something!  This is the very thing that I was going to write about last year, but decided not to because we had a lot going on at the end of September and I didn't have time to prepare... Creating space.)

Sometimes you need to clear everything out or off and start fresh to see what is important and what is just excess.  What is the main focus of my space?  What is important to me to see every day?

So for my fridge, the only things that I put back up were a few magnets that had Bible verses on, our church prayer calendar, a few ultrasound pics of baby boy, a photo of myself and Josiah when we were little, my grocery list, 2 cow magnets from our wedding, and a few other magnets that I couldn't say no to.

Every time I look at my fridge now it feels like a deep breath.

Now if only I could do better at this in the rest of my house!

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